--==+ Easybe 1-2-3 Music Store SQL Injection Vulnerability +==--
AUTHOR: t0pP8uZz & xprog
SITE: http://www.easybe.com/
DORK: intext:"Powered by the 1-2-3 music store"
DESCRIPTION: SQL injection in CatagoryID of process.php, able to retrieve admin/pass through
error message.
The CatagoryID value gets passed to a couple SELECT statements and we couldn't get
the results to display inline so we made the data you want to see red in the error msg.
Admin login is in /process.php?pname=ShowPageProcess-Start&page=admin/index
GREETZ: milw0rm.com, H4CKY0u.org, G0t-Root.net !
--==+ Easybe 1-2-3 Music Store SQL Injection Vulnerability +==--
# milw0rm.com [2007-07-01]