SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab Security Advisory < 20170509-0 >
title: Multiple vulnerabilities
product: I, Librarian PDF manager
vulnerable version: <=4.6 & 4.7
fixed version: 4.8
CVE number: -
impact: Critical
found: 2017-01-30
by: Wan Ikram (Office Kuala Lumpur)
Fikri Fadzil (Office Kuala Lumpur)
Jasveer Singh (Office Kuala Lumpur)
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
An integrated part of SEC Consult
Bangkok - Berlin - Linz - Luxembourg - Montreal - Moscow
Kuala Lumpur - Singapore - Vienna (HQ) - Vilnius - Zurich
Vendor description:
"I, Librarian is a PDF manager or PDF organizer, which enables researchers,
scholars, or students to create an annotated collection of PDF articles. If
used as a groupware, users may build their virtual library collaboratively,
sharing the workload of literature mining. I, Librarian will make your work
with scientific literature incredibly efficient."
Business recommendation:
By combining the vulnerabilities documented in this advisory an attacker can
fully compromise the web server which has the "I, Librarian" software installed.
SEC Consult recommends to install the latest version available immediately and
perform a thorough security review of this software.
Vulnerability overview/description:
The application doesn't apply proper validation on some user inputs. As a
result, below vulnerabilities can be exploited by authenticated attackers with
any roles to fully compromise the system.
1. OS Command Injection
Arbitrary OS commands are possible to be executed from "batchimport.php". This
is a serious vulnerability as the chances for the web server to be fully
compromised are very high.
2. Server-Side Request Forgery
This vulnerability allows an attacker to send HTTP requests originating from the
web server. As some functions in the web application require requests to
be done from localhost, the risk for this vulnerability is considered high.
3. Directory Enumeration
It is possible to enumerate all directories in any directory on the server through
4. Reflected Cross Site Scripting
This vulnerability was found in "temp.php". It allows an attacker to inject
malicious client side scripting which will be executed in the browser of users
if they visit the manipulated site.
Proof of concept:
1. OS Command Injection
Below is the detail of a HTTP request that needs to be sent to execute arbitrary
OS commands through "batchimport.php":
URL : http://$DOMAIN/batchimport.php
PAYLOAD : directory=.&commence=&user="||<os-commands-here>||"
2. Server-Side Request Forgery
Below shows an example of the exploitation for this vulnerability. An attacker
can reset any user's password which by design requires the request to be sent
from localhost.
URL : http://$DOMAIN/ajaxsupplement.php
3. Directory Enumeration
Available directories can be enumerated simply by navigating through the "dir"
parameter in "jqueryFileTree.php".
URL : http://$DOMAIN/jqueryFileTree.php
PAYLOAD : dir=<path-to-directory>
4. Reflected Cross Site Scripting
The following payload shows a simple alert message box:
URL : http://$DOMAIN/temp.php
PAYLOAD : tempfile=<script>alert(42)</script>
Vulnerable / tested versions:
"I, Librarian" version 4.6 has been tested. This version was the latest
at the time the security vulnerabilities were discovered. It is assumed
that previous versions are affected as well.
Vendor contact timeline:
2017-01-31: Contacting vendor through
2017-01-31: Vendor replied with their PGP public key.
2017-02-03: Provided encrypted advisory and proof of concept to the vendor.
2017-02-09: Patch released, version 4.7.
2017-02-21: Informed vendor on some issues which were not addressed correctly.
2017-03-30: Patch released by the vendor - I, Librarian version 4.8.
2017-05-09: Public release of advisory
Upgrade to I, Librarian 4.8
For further information see:
Advisory URL:
SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
SEC Consult
Bangkok - Berlin - Linz - Luxembourg - Montreal - Moscow
Kuala Lumpur - Singapore - Vienna (HQ) - Vilnius - Zurich
About SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab
The SEC Consult Vulnerability Lab is an integrated part of SEC Consult. It
ensures the continued knowledge gain of SEC Consult in the field of network
and application security to stay ahead of the attacker. The SEC Consult
Vulnerability Lab supports high-quality penetration testing and the evaluation
of new offensive and defensive technologies for our customers. Hence our
customers obtain the most current information about vulnerabilities and valid
recommendation about the risk profile of new technologies.
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