--==+ PhShoutBox <= 1.5 (final) Insecure Cookie Handling (Arbitrary Authentication) +==--
Discovered By: t0pP8uZz
Discovered On: 18 April 2008
Script Download: http://phphq.net/scripts.php?p=free-scripts&id=2
DORK: inurl:"phshoutbox.php"
Vendor Has Not Been Notified!
PhShoutBox suffers from insecure cookie handling, allowing the remote attacker to craft a cookie that
makes the attacker look like a admin, this works because the admin panel only checks the password
if a password has been posted using the php vars "$_POST" if POST isnt set, then the cookies will be checked
for existance if they exist then it will grant admin.
the javascript code below is the easyiesy way to do this, just paste it in your browser whilst
at the vulnerable site, then visit "admin.php"
version 1.5: javascript:document.cookie = "phadmin=True; path=/;";
version < 1.4: javascript:document.cookie = "ssbadmin=True; path=/;";
admin login is at "/admin.php" on 1.5 final
and at "/shoutadmin.php" on 1.4 & below
GREETZ: milw0rm.com, h4ck-y0u.org, CipherCrew !
--==+ PhShoutBox <= 1.5 (final) Insecure Cookie Handling (Arbitrary Authentication) +==--
# milw0rm.com [2008-04-18]