WebSVN <= 2.0 Multiple Vulnerabilities
October 20, 2008
Vendor : Tim Armes
URL : http://websvn.tigris.org
Version : WebSVN <= 2.0
Risk : Multiple Vulnerabilities
WebSVN is an online SVN repository viewer. The description taken from
the project website reads "WebSVN offers a view onto your subversion
repositories that's been designed to reflect the Subversion methodology.
You can view the log of any file or directory and see a list of all the
files changed, added or deleted in any given revision. You can also view
the differences between 2 versions of a file so as to see exactly what
was changed in a particular revision." Unfortunately there are a several
issues in WebSVN may allow for an attacker to conduct cross site
scripting attacks, and create arbitrary files. There is also a code
execution issue in the v1 branch.
Cross Site Scripting
There is a Cross Site Scripting issue in WebSVN due to the unsafe usage
of the PHP_SELF server variable within the getParameterisedSelfUrl()
A url like the one above would display a JavaScript alert window
containing the cookie data of any set cookies for the domain.
File Handling Issues:
There are some file handling issues in the RSS functionality used by
WebSVN. The issue is caused by the following bit of code taken from
rss.php, and allows arbitrary file operations to be executed.
// Cachename reflecting full path to and rev for rssfeed. Must end with xml to work
$cachename = strtr(getFullURL($listurl), ":/\\?", "____");
$cachename = $locwebsvnreal.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'cache'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.
As we can see from the above bit of code, the "rev" request variable is
never properly sanitized. in order to exploit this issue an attacker
would have to first send a valid "rev" parameter to rss.php, and then
traverse the known location.
So, if the "rev" parameter was initially set to the number one, then to
create a file called test.php in the root web directory a request like
the one above would have to be made.
PHP Code Execution:
There is an arbitrary php code execution issue in the 1.* branch of
WebSVN due to the unsafe use of preg_replace evaluation when parsing
anchor tags and the like.
// Replace any usernames
$ret = preg_replace("#\[:nom:([^\]]*)\]#e",
"username(0, trim(\"\\1\"))",
The above code can be found within the create_anchors() function located
in the utils.inc file. Since this function uses double quotes, instead
of single quotes in the evaluated code, php code execution is possible
via complex variable evaluation.
Even though this is not the current version, there is still many 1.*
installations being used as seen in the search below.
Unfortunately the developers have been mostly unresponsive to any
correspondence. The original bug report filed over a month ago can be
found at the link below.
Even before this bug report was filed, any attempts made to contact the developers were unsuccessful.
James Bercegay of the GulfTech Security Research Team
# milw0rm.com [2008-10-23]