# Exploit Title: Nusphere PHP DBG wizard
# Date: 02-06-2015
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.nusphere.com
# Software Link: http://www.nusphere.com/products/dbg_wizard_download.htm
# Version: any
# Exploit Author: Alfred Armstrong
# Contact: http://twitter.com/alfaguru
# Website: http://figure-w.co.uk
DBG Wizard is meant to be used with the DBG PHP debugger as an aid to
configuring it correctly. It is supplied as a PHP script called
dbg-wizard.php which when placed in the root folder of a web site and
executed provides instructions to the user about setting up their web
server so the debugger can be used.
It is not meant to be present on a live site as it exposes details
about software configurations and versions which might allow an
attacker to discover other vulnerabilities. If the DBG shared library
is also installed it will expose that fact and potentially assist an
attacker in crafting a request to start a debug session in which they
could do anything that can be done through a PHP script, including
reading files and accessing database entries.
Alfred Armstrong